- 21st century units
- 4x4 pickup
- AA tower
- AG-Responsebot fighter
- ATV (KKnD)
- ATV (Krossfire)
- Acid turret
- Airfield
- Airlifter
- Alchemy hall (KKnD)
- Alchemy hall (Krossfire)
- Altar of the Scourge
- Anaconda tank
- Anaconda tank (KKnD)
- Anaconda tank (Krossfire)
- Ankylsaur
- Anti Aircraft/Evolved
- Anti Aircraft/Series9
- Anti Aircraft/Survivors
- Armoury
- Artillery/Evolved
- Artillery/Series9
- Artillery/Survivors
- Autocannon tank
- Back to the Beach
- Barn
- Barracks
- Barrage craft
- Barrage craft (KKnD)
- Barrage craft (Krossfire)
- Barricade
- Barry Kowalski
- Bazooka
- Bazooka battery
- Beast
- Beast enclosure
- Beast enclosure (KKnD)
- Beast enclosure (Krossfire)
- Berserker
- Berzerker
- Big pig
- Bike
- Bike & sidecar
- Blacksmith
- Bombardment
- Boundary fence
- Bug Hunt
- Bugzapper
- Build an Outpost
- Bull ant tanker
- Cannon tower
- Cannon tower (Krossfire)
- Cauteriser
- Cholopod
- Clan hall
- Clan hall (KKnD)
- Clan hall (Krossfire)
- Commander
- Commander (KKnD)
- Counter-Attack
- Counter-Attack (Xtreme)
- Crazy Harry
- Crinoid
- Crop duster bomber
- Daekin-Ho
- Death hippo
- Derrick
- Derrick (KKnD)
- Derrick (Krossfire)
- Detention centre (KKnD)
- Detention centre (Krossfire)
- Dire wolf
- Dire wolf (KKnD)
- Dire wolf (Krossfire)
- Dirt bike (KKnD)
- Dirt bike (Krossfire)
- Distance Seeder
- Distress Signal
- Doom Dome
- Drill rig (KKnD)
- Drill rig (Krossfire)
- Driving Miss Daisy
- Dropship
- EMP generator
- El Presidente
- Evolved
- Evolved/KKnD
- Evolved/Krossfire
- Exterminate the Village
- Flame ATV
- Flamer
- Flamer (KKnD)
- Flamer (Krossfire)
- Floater
- Force wall
- Forge
- Frenzy
- Fresh Meat
- Gemini XXI
- General
- Giant beetle
- Giant scorpion
- Gort (KKnD)
- Gort (Krossfire)
- Grapeshot cannon
- Great Surface War
- Grenadier
- Grim Reaper
- Grizzly bear
- Guard tower
- Hand of God
- Healing tent
- Hive Mind
- Homing bazookoid
- Hover buggy
- Impending Annihilation
- Infiltrator
- Infiltrator (unit)
- Jail Break
- Juggernaut
- KKND 3.D
- KKND Frontfire
- KKnD 2 beta
- KKnD 3: Battle for Nekres
- KKnD Wikia
- Kamikaze
- Kaos mode
- King Zog
- Kneecapper
- Krome Studios Melbourne
- Krush Kill 'n' Destroy
- Krush Kill 'n' Destroy: Infiltrator
- Krush Kill 'n' Destroy (series)
- Krush Kill 'n' Destroy 2: Krossfire
- Krush Kill 'n' Destroy 3
- Krush Kill 'n' Destroy Xtreme
- Large/Series9
- Large APC/Evolved
- Large APC/Series9
- Large chassis
- Laser destroyer
- Laser rifleman
- Laser turret
- Lightning generator
- Machine gun nest
- Machine gunner
- Machine shop
- Machine shop (KKnD)
- Machine shop (Krossfire)
- Macrounit factory
- Maintenance depot
- Manuals
- Martyr
- Mech
- Mechanoid
- Medium/Series9
- Medium chassis
- Mega beetle
- Mekanik (KKnD)
- Mekanik (Krossfire)
- Menagerie
- Michaelangelo
- Microunit factory
- Missile battery
- Missile crab
- Missile crab (KKnD)
- Missile crab (Krossfire)
- Mobile barn
- Mobile clan hall (KKnD)
- Mobile clan hall (Krossfire)
- Mobile derrick
- Mobile drill rig
- Mobile oilbot
- Mobile outpost (KKnD)
- Mobile outpost (Krossfire)
- Monster truck
- Oil tanker
- Oil tanker (KKnD)
- Oil tanker (Krossfire)
- Oil tankeroid
- Oilbot
- OpenKrush
- Orville fighter
- Outpost
- Outpost (KKnD)
- Outpost (Krossfire)
- Output (KKnD)
- Patrolbot
- Pig pen
- Pit scorpion
- Plasma Turret/Series9
- Plasma Turret/Survivors
- Plasma tank
- Pod Cannon
- Pod launcher
- Power plant
- Power station
- Power station (KKnD)
- Power station (Krossfire)
- Power unit
- Protect the Convoy
- Pteranodon
- Pyromaniac (KKnD)
- Pyromaniac (Krossfire)
- RPG launcher
- Rabbit
- Radar/Evolved
- Radar/Series9
- Radar/Survivors
- Radiator
- Railgun tank
- Repair/Evolved
- Repair/Series9
- Repair/Survivors
- Repair bay
- Repair bay (KKnD)
- Repair bay (Krossfire)
- Rescue the Scout
- Research lab (KKnD)
- Research lab (Krossfire)
- Resource unit
- Responsebot
- Return of the Slugs
- Rifleman
- Rioter (KKnD)
- Rioter (Krossfire)
- River Crossing
- Rocketeer
- Rotary cannon
- Saboteur
- Sapper
- Scourge
- Scourge demon
- Scout
- Seeder
- Sentinel Droid
- Sentinel droid
- Sentinel droid (KKnD)
- Sentinel droid (Krossfire)
- Sentry gun
- Series 9
- Shield generator
- Shotgunner
- Skeletal wall
- Small/Series9
- Small APC/Evolved
- Small APC/Series9
- Small chassis
- Sniper
- Solar Intensifier
- Solar collector
- Sonic boom
- Soundtrack
- Spirit archer
- Spirit arrow turret
- Spore missile
- Squish
- Stand and Fight
- Stealth turret
- Sterilizer
- Survivors
- Survivors/KKnD
- Survivors/Krossfire
- Systech
- Tag Team
- Tank
- Tankbot
- Tech bunker (KKnD)
- Tech bunker (Krossfire)
- Tech level
- Technician (KKnD)
- Technician (Krossfire)
- Technostudy
- The Amoeba
- The Enforcer
- The Gauntlet
- The Infiltrator
- The Next Generation
- The Prophecy
- The Pursuit
- The Seven Samurai
- The Worm
- Thermal exchanger
- Thunder fence
- Toll Gate
- Touch of Death
- Traitors
- Transport dome
- Trickle Feed
- Vandal
- Vespiary
- Wagons Ho
- War mastodon
- War mastodon (KKnD)
- War mastodon (Krossfire)
- War of 2079
- War of the Three Armies
- Warlord
- Warrior hall
- Wasp bomber (KKnD)
- Wasp bomber (Krossfire)
- Weapon control
- Weed killer
- Wilbur bomber
- Wilbur bomber (KKnD)
- Wilbur bomber (Krossfire)
- Wind turbine
- Windmill
- Withstand the Raiding Party
- Ziggurat Interactive