KKnD Wikia
The subject of this article appeared in Krush Kill 'n' Destroy 2: Krossfire.

The barracks is the infantry training center of the Survivor army during the War of the Three Armies.[1]

Official description[]

The barracks will produce all of your troop units. These units are low cost and very quick to produce. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with all the benefits attributed to the various troop units as soon as possible. Build one of these at the earliest opportunity to secure your base's offensive capability.


Tech Level Feature(s)
1 Grenadier
2 Flamer
3 Rocketeer
4 Kamikaze
5 Laser Trooper

See also[]


  1. Melbourne House, Krush Kill 'n' Destroy 2: Krossfire. October 31, 1998.